The United States has authorized over $5.5 billion in arms sales to Egypt and Morocco, aiming to enhance their defense capabilities and solidify strategic partnerships. Under the deal, Egypt will acquire $630 million worth of Lockheed Martin Hellfire missiles, spare parts, and training, alongside $30 million worth of Advanced Precision Kill Weapon Systems (APKWS). Additionally, Egypt will acquire $4.69 billion worth of equipment to support its M1A1 Abrams tank fleet, which it co-produces with the US. Meanwhile, Morocco received approval to purchase 500 GBU-39B Small Diameter Bombs valued at $86 million and $88.4 million worth of AIM-120C-8 air-to-air missiles for its F-16V jets. The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency stated that these sales align with US foreign policy and will strengthen regional stability and security for both countries.