Kenya’s President Halts Planned Pay Rise for State Officers

President William Ruto has ordered the halt of proposed salary increases for cabinet members and parliamentarians after public outcry. Proposed by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), the pay rise would have delivered an increase of between 2% and 5% to the salaries of state officials, including judges. However, Kenyan citizens kicked against the plan, citing the country’s ongoing financial crisis. Public Service Minister Moses Kuria agrees and has since stated that he will not implement the increases for the cabinet. Likewise, lawmakers from both ruling and opposition parties have criticized the proposed raises, and are also calling for its scrap. Following the outcry, Mr. Ruto directed that the treasury review the notice, effectively putting a halt to its implementation. Ruto’s freeze comes a week after protests against a finance bill that included tax hikes rocked the East African nation to its foundation.


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